Heartworm, Flea and Tick Products

Please note the restrictions described below

Bravecto and Heartworm products are available to pets who are currently vaccinated by us.

If re-ordering previously purchased heartworm ,flea, and tick products from us, just go to ‘My Account’ and email your request, including your phone number (as we’ll find it on your records), your address, and the pet’s name and weight. There is a $6.00 charge per entire order added for shipping. If reordering heartworm products make sure we also have your daytime phone number.

To re-order previously purchased heartworm ,flea, and tick products from us via mail, just send us the box with our price sticker and include a check for the amount indicated. If you do not have the sticker, use the prices below and add $6.00 per entire order for shipping. Checks hold one week. Money orders ship immediately. For quickest response, email from within your account.

PO Box 239
Georgetown, CA 95634

All prices are tax-included. You add only the $6 shipping per entire order.

At the clinics, heartworm sales will be made only to our own clients who have already scheduled their appointment and have already communicated with us about heartworm before the clinic.  New clients will need to email the office and we will establish treatment and testing history before adding any heartworm to the upcoming appointment.  If you are not already a client or if you are a client but have lost you papers, please email the office . It is important to note our restrictions regarding who may purchase heartworm tests and heartworm, flea and tick products.  The restrictions are listed on our products & services page.

Yolano Veterinary – Parasite Control Products

Tri-Heart Plus  note sales restrictions above
Heartworm Pills by weight — 6 months supply

$25, $31, $38

Heartworm Test (blood test)  note sales restrictions above


Bravecto – for dogs only – note sales restrictions above
(single tablet kills fleas and ticks for 3 months)

All Sizes – $60 (8/11/22)
(tax included)