Our History dates to 1978 when Yolano Veterinary Service began as a large animal mobile practice in Yolo and Solano Counties and has been under the same ownership ever since. In 1983 the emphasis began to shift to small animal clinics and the switch was completed in 1988 when the business office moved from Yolano to Georgetown, CA. Most of our pet vaccination clinics were held in feed and pet stores but now the majority are held outdoors at shopping centers and retail businesses. Clinics are repeated at 3 or 4 week intervals. There is always a licensed veterinarian on duty at every clinic.
Our Purpose: We are here to help you, our customers, by helping you provide your pets with the basic maintenance care they deserve. People often wonder how we can offer our low prices and the answer is that we, the owners, work hard, are content to live modestly and our priority is to keep our prices as low as possible. We could not offer our services at our low prices without the dedicated help of the capable and caring helpers and alternate veterinarians you see at our clinics. We owe them more than just their wages for they are just as dedicated as we are to providing this service to you, our clients.
The racial and ethnic diversity of our area is glorious and let there be no doubt that we appreciate the opportunity to work with anyone and everyone regardless of their background. There is never a place in life for any hint of discrimination and we don’t tolerate any display of, or reference to, racism anywhere around our clinics. The more we stick together the better off we all are.
How to handle the pets:
A tip for owners of nervous cats: If the cat may be worried by the sights and sounds of the clinic, an easy solution is to leave the carrier in the car until just before shots. Additionally, draping a towel over the carrier while it is being carried from the car will keep the cat from being alarmed by outside activity. Remember, if you don’t have a cat carrier you can use a pillow case or a laundry bag but not a cardboard box.
A few tips and a rule for owners of dogs: Nervous dogs can be greatly comforted by staying focused on their owner. If several members of the dog’s human family are present they can be quite effective at distracting the dog from its worries and help make it more fun for everybody. For difficult or dangerous dogs, a muzzle may be the best way to proceed. A muzzle on a high-strung dog not only protects people from dog bites but it diverts the dog’s attention and makes our job easier. It is the owner’s responsibility to adequately muzzle the dog.
In the interest of sanitation, safety and maintenance of our appointment schedule all owner and their pets wait in their vehicle. When you arrive at the clinic park close and wait in your car for us to come to you and check you in.
Unfortunately, it is necessary that we reserve the right to refuse service to any owner who will not comply with this policy or who disrupts our clinic over this policy.
Thanks for Understanding
Geoffrey and Toni Antipa